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2018/4/25 14:48:00



1.contact ['kɑn.t?kt] n.接觸,聯(lián)系 v.聯(lián)系

        egCan I contact you by telephone



        contract ['k?ntr?kt]n.合同

        content ['kɑn.tent] n.內(nèi)容 adj.滿足的

2.voluntarily ['v?l?ntr?li] adv.自愿地

        egHe made the promise quite voluntarily.



        voluntary ['vɑl?n.teri]adj.自愿的;志愿的;自發(fā)的;故意的

        volunteer [,v?l?n't??] n.志愿者;志愿兵

3.assignment [?'sa?nm?nt] n.任務(wù);布置

        egThere was no telling what the next assignment would be.



        assignable [?'sa?n?b?l] adj.[經(jīng)] 可分配的;可指定的;可讓渡的

        assign[?'sa?n] vt.分配;指派;[][數(shù)] 賦值

4.proportion [pr?'p?r?(?)n] n.比例

        egHis head is out of proportion to the size of his body.



        proportional [pr?'p?r??n(?)l]adj.相應(yīng)的,成比例的

        disproportion [d?spr?'p???(?)n] n.不均衡;不相稱

5.vulnerable ['v?ln?r?bl] adj.易受傷害的

        egHis knee was his vulnerable spot.



        be/have vulnerable to 易受...影響的

6.pursue[p?r'su] v.追求

        egIf I have enough money, I would have had no doubt to pursue a famous car.



        pursuit [p?r'sut]n.追求

        in pursuit of 為了…

7.operation [.ɑp?'re??(?)n] n.操作;運行

        egHow much time do you usually need to complete the operation?



        cooperation [k??,?p?'re??(?)n]n.合作,協(xié)作

        corporate [?k??rp?r?t]adj.法人的;共同的

8.improvement [?m'pruvm?nt] n.改進(jìn);改善;改進(jìn)處

        egIt is only a question of time, however, until we see an improvement.



        improve [?m'pru?v] vt.改善,增進(jìn);提高…的價值

        improve in...在…方面有所增長(或改善)

9.specialize ['spe?(?)l.a?z] v.專門研究(或從事);專攻

        egMost students do not expect to specialize in economics.




        specialized [?spe?(?)l?a?zd] adj.專業(yè)的;專門的

10.chemical ['kem?k(?)l] n.化學(xué)品;化學(xué)制品; adj.與化學(xué)有關(guān)的;化學(xué)的;

        egDoes the chemical factory exhaust into the river?



        chemist [?kem?st] n.化學(xué)家;藥劑師;藥房

11.insurance [?n'??r?ns] n.保險;保險業(yè);保險費;保費

        egHow much will the insurance cost them?



        insure [?n'??r?] v.投保,上保險

        ensure [?n'??r?] v.確保

12.comprehensive [.kɑmpr?'hens?v]adj.全面的,理解的n.(英)綜合中學(xué)

        egHe has a comprehensive head for financial problems.



        comprehension [.kɑmpr?'hen?(?)n]n.理解(力)

13.engage [?n'ɡe?d?]v.忙于,從事;雇傭

        egThey engaged him in a new project.


        egHe is currently engaged as a consultant.



        be engaged in 參加,從事

14.explore [?k'spl?r] v.探索;探討

        egIt's not so wise that you do not explore the children's market.



        exploration [??kspl??re??(?)n] n.探測;探究;踏勘

        explorer [?k'spl?r?r] n.探險家;探測者,探測器

15.adapt [?'d?pt] v.改編;改寫;使適應(yīng)

        egGood players have to be able to adapt to any type of football.



        adapt to適應(yīng)....

        adapt...for... ...改編成...

        adopt [?'d?pt] v.收養(yǎng);領(lǐng)養(yǎng)

16.refine [r?'fa?n] v.精煉;改進(jìn);改善

        egGalileo continued to refine his ideas about objects in motion.



        confine [k?n'fa?n]v.限制,限定

        define [d?'fa?n]v.界定;明確

17.campaign [k?m'pe?n] n.戰(zhàn)役;運動 v.領(lǐng)導(dǎo)運動

        egHe said that such a campaign would not be sustainable.



        movement ['muvm?nt]n.移動;活動

18.economic [ek?'nɑm?k] adj.經(jīng)濟(jì)的;經(jīng)濟(jì)上的;經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)的

        egId like to consider the economic aspect.



        economic disruption/depression 經(jīng)濟(jì)蕭條

19.prosper ['prɑsp?r] v.繁榮;成功;發(fā)達(dá);興旺

        egWith her at the wheel, the company began to prosper.



        prosperous ['prɑsp(?)r?s] adj. 繁榮的;興旺的

        prosperity [pr??sp?r?ti]n. 繁榮,成功

20.sustain [s?'ste?n] v.支持;支撐;遭受

        egWhy do you think this industry would sustain your interest over the long haul?



        sustainable [s?'ste?n?b(?)l] adj.可持續(xù)的

        sustainable development 可持續(xù)發(fā)展

21.accelerate [?k'sel?.re?t]v.使加速,增速

        egWas that one of your aims to accelerate the rate of development?



        speed up加速

22.convenient [k?n'vini?nt]adj.方便的

        egIt's very convenient to pay for things by check.



        convenience[k?n'vini?ns] n.方便;便利;適宜

23.inferior [?n'f?ri?r] adj. 下級的

        egModern music is often considered inferior to that of the past.



        superior [s?'p?ri?r]n. 上級,上司 adj.更好的

24.dominate ['dɑm?.ne?t] v. 支配,統(tǒng)治

        egHis personality dominated the other members of the committee.



        dominant ['d?m?n?nt] adj. 有統(tǒng)治權(quán)的;占優(yōu)勢的

        dominance ['d?m?n?ns] n. 優(yōu)勢;統(tǒng)治;支配

